Mike Adams

TIME, USA Today, MSNBC, NPR, CTV, the LA Times and numerous other mainstream media outlets have all been running a juvenile hoax over the last week. Through various misleading headlines, they’re all claiming that vitamins might kill you. Here are some of the headlines:

Study links vitamins to higher death rates in women – CTV

Study: Vitamins may increase death risk in older women – USA Today

We’ve Been Wasting a Ton of Money on Vitamins and Dietary Supplements – TIME

Some common vitamin supplements could increase death risk – MSNBC

Dietary supplements risky for older women, study finds – LA Times

Supplements Look Risky In Study Of Older Women – NPR

Vitamins do more harm than good, new suggest says –

Women Who Take Vitamin Supplements May Have Increased Death Risk – Huffington Post

There are literally hundreds of headlines from mainstream news…

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Ed Parnell's Cunning Plan

Wall Street hates Barack Obama. That much, we know. But why? Just three years ago, he was Wall Street’s favored candidate. After being elected, he helped bail them out. He stopped Congress from going after their pay. He rejected proposals for radical reforms like breaking up the biggest banks. You would think Wall Street would give Obama a big Christmas bonus this year. Instead, they’re mobilizing against him.

There have been several competing theories for why the finance industry has turned on the White House. One is policy: The administration pushed through the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform bill, which tamps down on proprietary trading, leverage, and other tools banks use to increase profits. Another is ideology: Wall Street fingered Obama as a socialist, seeking to redistribute its hard-earned capital gains to the lazy and poor. A third explanation is psychology: Obama clearly doesn’t respect Wall Street. Therefore, Wall Street hates…

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Dandelion Salad

by Rand Clifford
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
October 16, 2011

The US rose to eminence by producing value, and by a fair percentage of citizens sharing the wealth. The further the nation has been corrupted from the stability of fairness, the faster our rate of decline. Runaway greed, lust for power, and raw capitalism have reversed our national trajectory so insidiously that not just we, but even Earth’s biosphere, are in free fall. Is it more than simple coincidence that such comprehensive decline so closely parallels our prohibition of hemp?

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Odessablog's Blog

Well, Arseniy Yatseniuk whilst in Brussels has predicted the release of Ms Tymoshenko on 18th September, which is today.

Obviously no appeals process has even come close to beginning in a meaningful way, so in order for Mr Yatseniuk to be right, the law under which Ms Tymoshenko was jailed will have to be decriminalised today in the RADA, thus prompting her immediate release.

Of course he is much more likely to know what is on the RADA legislative agenda than I do, and one hopes is also more in-tune with the sentiment of his RADA colleagues when it comes to the likely outcome of any vote to change the law, so we will see.

Whilst her release before Christmas is probable as I posted on the day she was sentenced, despite the 7 year term given,  and it would make the President’s visit to Brussels later this week much…

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